The Significance of Critical Access Hospitals

‘Critical’ – everyone reading this probably realizes that when we hear the word critical we associate it with something being important.  Therefore, calling designated small hospitals in rural areas ‘Critical Access Hospitals’ is suitable. Located in rural America, they serve patients that are not close to Regional Medical Centers. But distance does not make these American’s healthcare any less important. Critical Access Hospitals, ensure that these citizens have quality healthcare available in a timely manner.

CAH facilities are there for emergencies, where patients can be treated and then released or stabilized and moved to an institution that can provide the necessary care.  Having the local emergency staff saves lives daily.

It is often said that prevention is the best medicine… having rural healthcare available allows patients to see their physician for regular visits where disease can be diagnosed early.  Without these facilities, patients would most likely forego traveling hours for these routine check-ups.  Missing these simple but important visits means when the patients do look for care they tend to be more dire cases that require an elevated level of care.  The availability of these hospitals and providers locally not only benefits the patient’s health, but is a financial win for both the patient and our healthcare system.

HeartCare Imaging, INC (HCI) is dedicated to working with CAH and other rural hospitals to serve patients while enhancing the facilities viability.  At HCI, many of our senior manager are from rural America, we understand and love working with our neighbors!