Staying Ahead of the Health Care Curve

In 2016 nearly 60 million people, or 20% of the American population live in rural areas. While roughly 10% of the countries physicians practice in these areas. With fewer doctors, better technology and updated equipment we can keep rural areas from falling behind. Diagnostic imaging is important to mobilize rural healthcare and the expansion of care.

This equipment can be used to predict and treat conditions before they become serious medical issues requiring more care and more resources. These imaging machines need to be reliable. Ease in operation is important, given the low number of physicians available to oversee procedures in rural America. High quality images are also key to the success of rural imaging, as they give a more accurate view of conditions that need to be treated.

Heartcare Imaging (HCI) has been in the industry for almost 20 years and is dedicated to rural health care. Rural residents have greater transportation difficulties reaching health care providers, often traveling great distances to reach a doctor or hospital. It is vital that most hospitals have these imaging modalities to keep patients close to home.