Cheat Sheet for Holiday Eating

It’s easy to get swept up in the holiday cheer. The combination of religious and national celebrations can help keep the winter blues away, but sometimes not the pounds. The feasts and parties that make the holiday season so special with friends and family can tax the arteries and strain the waistline. By eating just 200 extra calories a day you could pack on two to three pounds over this five- to six-week period! The average weight gain over the season is 7 to 10 pounds! No thank you…. Here are some tips toward a more mindful approach to navigate holiday feasting like a boss:

  • Don’t stress. This time of year, we are running around town buying gifts and making dishes for various events, slow down!
  • Control the risk of temptations – the buffet of delicious fall foods can be tempting, so limit your portions.
  • Eat more colorful foods – such as apples, berries, grapefruits, oranges, broccoli, spinach, eggplant, etc.
  • Drink to your health. A glass of eggnog can set you back 500 calories; wine, beer, and mixed drinks range from 150 to 225 calories. If you drink alcohol, have a glass of water or juice-flavored seltzer in between drinks.
  • Don’t go out on an empty stomach. Before setting out for an outing, eat something so you don’t arrive famished and hungry.
  • Stay active. Exercise is a wonderful stress reliever and it helps us look better and feel good about ourselves. Instead of making exercise a New Year’s resolution, fit in small bits throughout every day. Shoot for at least 30 minutes on most days.