Myocarditis in Athletes After COVID-19 Infection

Adding to the growing list of the multisystem effects of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection, a significant number of cases of post-COVID-19 myocarditis have been reported. According to a 2020 review, approximately 5%-25% of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 have hqad evidence of myocardial injury.1

This may pose an especially high risk to competitive athletes, in whom myocarditis is a top cause of sudden death. In light of this development, the Big Ten Conference now requires comprehensive cardiac testing for student athletes before they can return to play after COVID-19 infection.2

In a study published online in May 2021 in JAMA Cardiology, Daniels et al investigated rates of COVID-19 myocarditis among 1,597 athletes from 13 of the 14 Big Ten universities. They observed an overall prevalence of 2.3%, with 9 cases of clinical myocarditis and 28 cases of subclinical myocarditis, categorized based on the presence of cardiac symptoms and findings on cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR).2


Read More Here: CardiologyAdvisor, Aug 13th, 2021. By Tori Rodriguez